
設置 AURGA 查看器

AURGA Viewer 需要 5V 500mA USB-C 電源。

紅色閃爍:HDMI 端口無視頻輸出
黃色:HDMI 端口有視頻輸出
綠色:應用程序連接到 AURGA Viewer 並且流媒體打開。
黃色閃爍:應用程序連接到 AURGA Viewer,但 HDMI 端口沒有視頻輸出。

1. 將 AURGA Viewer HDMI 端口連接到目標設備(計算機、遊戲機、SBC、TVBox 等)。
2. 將USB-C的一個端口連接到AURGA Viewer,另一個端口連接到目標設備的USB端口。如果目標設備沒有 USB 端口,則需要額外的 5V 電源適配器(如手機電源適配器或移動電源)。


文檔由我們的用戶Strydr貢獻而成。我們想花點時間感謝 Strydr 在創建文檔方面提供的寶貴幫助,這些文檔有助於改善 AURGA Viewer 的用戶體驗。

將應用程序連接到 AURGA Viewer



AURGA Viewer 啟動時,會默認創建一個類似 AURGA-XXXXXX 的 Wi-Fi 熱點。

將應用程序連接到 AURGA Viewer 有兩種模式:



通常我們建議使用直連模式以獲得更好的性能。但如果路由器、AURGA Viewer 和客戶端設備在同一個房間,並且都具有良好的 5G 信號質量。橋接模式更方便。


將app的客戶端設備直接連接到AURGA Viewer的熱點

轉到操作系統設置 -> Wi-Fi 設置 -> 掃描 WLAN 中的 Wi-Fi。
將手機或平板電腦連接到 AURGA Viewer 的熱點。

如果台式電腦/筆記本電腦有 Wi-Fi 適配器。將計算機連接到 AURGA Viewer 的熱點。

如果台式電腦沒有 Wi-Fi 適配器。請檢查橋接模式。


將 AURGA Viewer 橋接到 WLAN。確保客戶端設備(應用程序端)和 AURGA Viewer 連接到同一路由器。
如果 AURGA Viewer 橋接到路由器,客戶端設備仍然可以使用直接模式連接到 AURGA Viewer 並訪問互聯網。

目前,我們只能通過 iOS/Android 應用將 AURGA Viewer 橋接到路由器。

a) 直接連接iOS/Android設備到AURGA Viewer的熱點

b) 運行應用程序 -> 搜索並連接到 AURGA 查看器 -> 切換到連接選項卡 -> 選擇互聯網-> 選擇路由器的熱點 -> 如有必要,輸入密碼。

將客戶端設備連接到路由器,如果應用程序可以找到AURGA Viewer,則表示AURGA Viewer橋接到路由器成功。

設置 Wi-Fi 區域

我們需要在 AURGA Viewer 上設置正確的 Wi-Fi 區域。如果 Wi-Fi 區域不正確,連接速度可能會很慢!!

將 iOS/Android 應用程序連接到 AURGA Viewer -> 裝置 -> 裝置設定和安全 -> 在 Wi-Fi 區域,選擇正確的區域 -> 保存

重新啟動 AURGA Viewer 以檢查我們是否可以獲得完整的 Wi-Fi 速度。

Access over Internet

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to remotely access your devices over the internet using AURGA Viewer. Before you begin, ensure you have registered an account and bound your AURGA Viewer to it.

Step 1: Register and Bind AURGA Viewer

  1. Register an Account: If you haven't already, create an account on the AURGA Viewer apps.
  2. Bind AURGA Viewer: Follow the video tutorial below to bind your AURGA Viewer to your account.

Video Tutorial: Binding AURGA Viewer to Account
Watch Video

Step 2: Remote Access Over Internet

Once your AURGA Viewer is bound to your account, you can start remotely accessing your devices. The following video demonstrates how to do this via cellular data.

Video Tutorial: Remote Access Over Internet via Cellular Data
Watch Video

Important Notes

  • Handshake Process: The AURGA Viewer and client apps only perform a handshake through the central server. Video streaming occurs directly between the AURGA Viewer and client apps.
  • Network Requirements: For a successful connection, the AURGA Viewer and client apps must be able to reach each other. If your network uses Symmetric NAT or Restricted Cone NAT, the connection might fail.
  • IPv6 Recommendation: We highly recommend enabling IPv6 on your AURGA Viewer for improved connectivity.

Advanced Options

For users with advanced technical skills, hosting your own central server can offer better connectivity and enhanced privacy.

Source Code for Center Server:
GitHub Repository

Keyboard/Mouse and Touch Compatibility

Some computers and single-board computers (SBCs) may experience compatibility issues with USB HID 2.0. To address this, we have released a new firmware that allows users to switch the USB HID mode using our iOS and Android apps.

If you are facing an issue with an extremely slow mouse movement, we recommend updating to the latest firmware using the Windows app. This update resolves known compatibility issues and improves performance.

After updating to the latest firmware, if you wish to use the multi-touch function on Windows 10 or higher, please follow these steps:

Open our iOS or Android app on your device, select the "Device" tab -> Tap the radar icon to search AURGA Viewer. We could connect your device to AURGA Viewer via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. Once the app connects to AURGA Viewer, a new option "Switch USB HID Mode" shows in the bottom. Tap the new option to switch HID mode between USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 (AURGA Viewer will restart to apply the changes).

By switching to USB HID 2.0 mode, you can enjoy the full multi-touch functionality on Windows 10 and higher.


在屏幕上點擊 3 個手指,應用程序將彈出退出全屏、啟用/禁用音頻/輸入的選項。





Windows:按左鍵 Ctrl + 鼠標右鍵單擊並彈出上下文菜單。

macOS:按 Comand + 鼠標右鍵單擊並彈出上下文菜單。

We need to set AURGA Viewer as the main sound output in computer.

Please check 00:32 in this link:

Please go to Download page -> Download the latest Windows app. Follow the steps in this Video.

In iOS/Android apps, enter full screen mode -> tap with 3 fingers to show options -> tap the shortcut icon (the right one) -> there is a list of shortcuts, tap CTRL + ALT + DEL to send the key combination to computer.

Some computers/SoCs might have compatible with out USB HID 2.0 devices. Please check the Keyboard/Mouse and Touch Compatibility section.



將回形針插入 AURGA Viewer 上的小孔中 3 秒,
並鬆開回形針。 AURGA Viewer 上的燈會閃爍一會兒,然後